Placing a call

We advise all numbers are dialled BEFORE lifting the handset. If you try and dial with the handset off hook, the phone will only give you a very small amount of time to complete before trying to dial, usually resulting in a miss-dial. If you dial with the handset down, there is no time limit

  • Internal Calls
    • Dial your co-workers extension number (4 digit) i.e. 0400
    • To speak via the handset, lift the handset and the call will connect
    • To speak hands-free, press the “Dial” Operation Key
    • To speak via a headset, press the HEADSET key

  • External Calls
    • Dial the Number in full, including the area code (EVEN FOR LOCAL CALLS), Note you DO NOT need to dial a 9 first
    • To speak via handset, lift the handset and the call will connect
    • To speak hands-free, press the “Dial” Operation Key
    • To speak vi a headset, press the HEADSET key